5 questions for: Patrik

Patrik Kuhna started as a working student in project management at syniotec. He is now Product Manager for our SaaS solution RAM. He tells us here how it came about and what his experiences have been.

Hi Patrik! You’ve been with syniotec for a relatively long time. How exactly did you come to syniotec?

I first became aware of syniotec at the Bremen Start-up Pitch Night. At the time, I was looking for experts to interview as part of my master’s thesis on the sharing economy. Since the syniotec model – at that time still Sharemac – was a perfect match, I contacted the company.

How would you describe your development from working student to Product Manager?

As I was already constantly confronted with interfaces between technical and economic aspects during my industrial engineering studies, product management was the area that I could identify with the most right from the start. As a working student at syniotec, I was already given the opportunity to contribute my ideas, which meant that my direction into product management was already crystallized at this stage.

What exactly do you do as a product manager? What are your areas of responsibility?

As Product Manager, I take care of the orientation and development of our software solutions. In particular, I am responsible for our Rental Asset Manager (RAM), which I look after throughout its entire life cycle.

You already have some experience with the construction industry. What appeals to you in particular? …and what is so special about syniotec?

Even today, the construction industry still has a lot of potential for digitizing processes. This opens up the possibility of optimizing them and makes the benefits for the industry immediately visible.

The agile working environment at syniotec ensures a level of responsiveness that is exceptionally high for a software company. At the same time, we are in constant contact with the industry and receive constant feedback on our products, which we incorporate directly into development.

What does a typical working day look like for you? Which sentence do you hear most often in the office?

This does not exist (fortunately).
And: “You will manage.”

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