Fleet management: what 8,000 experts say

If you take a closer look at fleet management in construction companies, there are a number of factors that play a role. We asked ourselves: What is the status quo in the construction industry? To what extent are the work steps as efficient as possible in employees’ day-to-day work?

To find out, we teamed up with LECTURA, developed a survey and backed up the results with qualitative interviews.

Free white paper: “Status quo & challenges in fleet management”

The white paper shows the current status in the construction industry with regard to the organization and efficiency of machinery scheduling. It is not only the way in which fleet management works that plays a role, but also the decision-making process when buying and selling machines and equipment. In addition, the valuation of the vehicle fleet is a point that should not be ignored.

Online survey in combination with expert interviews

Download the free PDF on fleet management and find out what over 8,000 experts have to say on the subject. They were asked for their opinions in an online survey on LECTURA and we have summarized the results in a compact report. The results were supplemented with interviews with experts from the industry.

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