Sustainability on the construction site: 4 tips

The current sustainability debate is also affecting the construction industry. Sustainable building materials are an important part of construction companies. However, sustainability does not end with the actual construction process itself.

How do you manage to be sustainable despite thousands of construction plans and large construction machines? Read 4 tips here on how to pay attention to sustainability in everyday life on the construction site.

1. digitize construction plans

What is often processed on paper and has to be printed out again and again can now be managed digitally in no time at all. Important documents such as construction plans or technical drawings can simply be stored digitally and centrally on a shared drive so that those involved can access them directly. This saves you having to print them out all the time and avoids wasting paper.

2. process personnel planning online

No more wall calendars and highlighters: personnel planning can be done easily via app. This gives you a comprehensive overview of the workforce and allows you to plan participation in projects, possible absences and vacations. Speaking of vacation: With the appropriate functions, vacation requests no longer have to be printed out, signed and approved, but can simply be processed online.

3. device management: planning resources correctly

Construction companies often do not use their machines and equipment to their full capacity. However, there is already software on the market that can be used to record construction machinery and track it live – so no more information is lost. In addition, operating hours can be viewed in solutions such as SAM in order to directly allocate how busy machines are on certain projects. You can also see on which projects the construction machines are being used and when they will be available again.

4. monitor & optimize construction projects

With the appropriate software solution, construction projects are presented clearly and progress can be viewed immediately at a glance. Not only do you save yourself the hassle of paperwork, but you also save time and money: thanks to the clear display, you can see exactly what is needed when for which project in order to keep to the schedule. In this way, you are constantly learning in order to complete projects even more efficiently and smoothly – and important resources are saved.

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